Monday, January 01, 2007

Ted's father was a very shy man. When I went to Brook House he kept out of the way, doing jobs with the pigs or cattle.

One night Ted had told me that his dad wasn't very well. The next time I should have met Ted he didn't turn up. It was a dark winter's night and I walked all the way from Coseley to Penn Common.

Edie, who use to work for Ted's family milking cows and delivering milk, came to the door. She called me in and said Ted's dad wasn't very well. She asked me if I'd like to see him. I said I would. He was the most good-looking man you ever saw.

Edie said to him, 'Do you know who this is? It's Florry.' Maybe he thought she meand Florry his daught who died when she was a little girl. Ted's dad died the same night.


I once went to Liverpool on the train for the day with Stella, Charl and my dad. Someone had told my dad he had a relative in Liverpool and that's what we were looking for, but we didn't find them.

My dad took us into one place to have a meal but we walked out without eating the food. It wasn't a very nice place. There were women standing on street corners with no shoes on.

When we were walking back to the train station, my dad found some silver sixpences on the floor.


At 20 Yew Tree Lane, the light came from gas lamps on the wall. A pipe carried gas to the lamp. My dad attached another pipe to that pipe. He fixed it so the pipe reache the kitchen table and went into a little ring that was loose on the table.

After we moved into Flora Dene in 1935, we had electric light, but my dad didn't much care for it. He said it didn't suit his eyes.

The wireless had accumulators inside. A man in the next road used to call and take the accumulators and bring them back ready to use. My dad said that, one day, there would be pictures witht he wireless and people would be able to see people in other places. I looked at him amazed.

I used to listen to Housewives' Choice on the wireless in the mornings. My sister Violet used to write in and request records. She had had records played for me and for Ted's mother. She had a lot of records chosen. A reporter from the Express & Star came to see her and asked how she got so many records picked. She said it must be because they liked the records she chose.

In 1956 she had written in toe had a record plahyed for mine and Ted's wedding anniversary. I didn't hear it but one of her neighbours told me it was played on September 7th. The record was 'The September Song' with the words 'These few golden years I spend with you'. She was just 39 and she was already dead when the record was played - she couldn't spend any more years with us.



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